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Referral & Intake Process

Serenity Residential Care accepts individuals deemed eligible for services by the Maine Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Office of Aging and Disability Services and currently approved for waiver services. Services are also provided through other state and federal funding sources, contracts, and through private pay arrangements.

Those interested in making a formal referral for services may request to be contacted using the online form below, or for more immediate consideration, you may download and complete a referral application, detailing the needs of the individual to be served, and the nature of requested services.

Following a review of the application materials, you will be contacted by an SRC representative to review the application materials and determine if Serenity Residential Care is an appropriate fit for the individual in need of services.

Unfortunately, because of the intense demand for some SRC services, particularly in those programs that provide supports to individuals who have been labeled as “difficult to serve” by other agencies, SRC is not always able to provide immediate supports to individuals in need of placement. SRC does maintain an internal waiting list to address this concern, and will actively work to develop new residences and/or supports for individuals and treatment teams when an immediate vacancy is not available for an individual requiring the intensive level of supports SRC has become known for.

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